Viewing learner geographic information in Open edX Insights - Appsembler
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Viewing learner geographic information in Open edX Insights

With Open edX Insights, you can see important geographic information of your learners – specifically, which country they reside in. 

  1. From the Insights Course List (, click on the course name for the course you want to look into. 
  2. Click on Enrollment
  3. Click on Geography
  4. This page is the Enrollment Geography page. Included at the top of the page is a graph showing the Geographic Distribution of your course. Hover over each country in order to see the number of enrollments from that country and the corresponding percentage of total enrollments for that course. This page also includes some basic geography metrics, such Total Countries or Regions Represented, as well as the top three Countries or Regions by Enrollment.

Note: Country – as with most learner demographic data in Insights – is self-reported. This means that the data only includes those learners who provided their country when they created their account – an optional field unless modified for a special case by Appsembler. Learners can also adjust their country in their learner

  1. Scroll down to see the data in a list form. You can also click Download CSV in order to download the data to your computer.