Managing an Open Response Assessment in Open edX - Appsembler

Managing an Open Response Assessment in Open edX

Whether you’re using an Open Response Assessment (ORA) to enable peer assessment, self reflection, staff grading or anything in between, chances are at some point you’ll need to review and manage what your students have entered. We’ve covered how to grade a submitted ORA elsewhere, but in this article we’ll look at things like:

  • How to edit a submitted grade, or override a peer-assessed grade with one of your own
  • How to see how many students have submitted their assessments and are awaiting feedback
  • How to view a specific student’s response
  • How to remove a submission from peer grading

First, find the ORA in the LMS. Ensure that you are logged in as an instructor, as students do not have access to these features, for somewhat obvious reasons.

Once you’ve found the assessment in question, scroll to the bottom, where you’ll see three buttons labelled
MANAGE INDIVIDUAL LEARNERS, VIEW ASSIGNMENT STATISTICS and GRADE AVAILABLE RESPONSES. As discussed in Grading student Open Response Assessments (ORA) in Open edX, the third of these buttons is where you can submit grades for assessments, in this article we’re going to instead focus on the other two.

By clicking on
VIEW ASSIGNMENT STATISTICS you’ll see something resembling the following tables, with the number of student responses at the top, the location of the assessment in the course and the number of students at each stage. In this case, there is one student whose assessment has been marked by a staff member, but has not yet collected his results. Lastly you can see the dates assigned to the steps of the assignment, again in this case only two – when the student submits their assignment and when staff start grading (left blank for the purposes of this article).

MANAGE INDIVIDUAL LEARNERS we’ve got a whole host of different options. First though, we need to enter into the box the username of the student we would like to deal with. Once you’ve done this and hit submit, you’ll be able to see a set of collapsible headings.

By using these different headings you can:

  • See what they submitted

  • Review how you or your staff graded their submission

  • See their final grade

  • Reassess their submission yourself and override their final grade

  • Completely remove their submission from the peer grading pool. This is good for inappropriate submissions which you wouldn’t want to inflict on your other students, or test submissions that you yourself added to demonstrate or test the assessment prior to release

With these powerful tools at your disposal, you can use Open Response Assessments to test your students thoroughly and without fear of losing track of what exactly they’ve done. If you have any trouble though, remember that you can always contact us at Appsembler to give you a helping hand!