Setting Sudo Password in a Virtual Lab Image for VS Code - Appsembler

Setting Sudo Password in a Virtual Lab Image for VS Code

This article provides the steps required for you to set up a root password on your
Virtual Lab Image


  • Access to the Virtual Lab site


  1. Navigate to the Virtual Lab site
  2. Click on the Images tab

  3. Locate the image you would like to modify, and click on the cog icon

  4. Once in the Change image settings window, scroll all the way to the bottom until you see the Environment Variables, in there you can set up the SUDO_PASSWORD and as value you can set up the password you would like to use

  5. After adding/modifying the environment variables, click on the Update settings button


If you follow steps 1 to 4, you will be able to see the sudo password setup the way you did it. In addition, you can run the container and run a sudo command to test this out.

Important! This only applies for VSCode Server images, based on the image we provide, or the one from