Viewing learner demographic information with Open edX Insights - Appsembler
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Viewing learner demographic information with Open edX Insights

With Open edX Insights, you can see important demographic information on your learners – including age, education and gender information. Here’s how to see learner demographics in your course. 

  1. From the Insights Course List (, click on the course name for the course you want to look into. 
  2. Click on Enrollment
  3. Click on Demographics
  4. This page is the Enrollment Demographics page, which has 3 view modes: Age, Education, & Gender. The default view is Age. Included at the top of the page is a graph showing the number of enrollments in each individual age within course. Hover over a bar in order to see the precise number. This page also includes some basic age range metrics, such as the Median Learner Age, as well as the percentage of learners in one of three age ranges: 25 and Under, 26 to 40, and 41 and Over.

Note: Age data – as with all learner Demographic data in Insights – is self-reported. This means that the data only includes those learners who provided their birthday when they created their account – an optional field unless modified for a special case by Appsembler.

  1. Scroll down the Age view to see the data in a list form. Here, you can also see what percentage of your learners declined to report their age. You can also click Download CSV in order to download the data to your computer. 
  2. In order to see the Education view of this page, scroll back up to the top and click on Education
  3. In the Education view, the data is presented in a similar way. The top of the page shows a graph with the number of learners at each education level. Hover over a bar to see the exact number. The Education Metrics reflect the percentage of learners with a high school diploma or less, a college degree, or an advanced degree. 
  4. The Education Breakdown at the bottom of the page displays the same data in a list form. The row for “Unknown” denotes the number of learners who did not report their education level when they created their accounts. Again, you can click on Download CSV in order to download the data. 
  5. To see Gender view of your learner demographics, scroll to the top of the page and click Gender
  6. The top of the Gender view displays a graph that reflects percentages on Female, Male, and Other genders enrolled in your course. You can hover over a bar to see the exact percentage. Again, this data is self-reported.  
  7. Scroll down to see the Gender enrollment in your course over time. Here you can also see total numbers of each category as well as total number of unreported. As with the other two views, you can also click Download CSV to download the data.