Analytics with Appsembler Figures - Appsembler
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Analytics with Appsembler Figures

What is Figures?

Figures is Appsembler’s lightweight analytics tool for Open edX. It provides an easy way to look at the activity of your organization’s learning initiatives on a site-wide, course-wide, and individual learner levels. Figures seeks to bridge the gap between the highly detailed and heavy technical lift of edX Insights and the overly-opaque and manual-overhead-heavy process of pulling CSV files from each individual course’s Instructor Dashboard.

Figures allows you to see trends in how your learners and courses are performing easily and quickly with no technical involvement whatsoever.

How to access Figures

Tahoe Users

Access to Figures is restricted to those with Admin level permissions for your organization. If you’re not sure if this means you, check to see if you have access to the management console. If you do, great! You’re an admin. If not, you’ll need to contact your organization lead and request access.

To access Figures, simply log into your management console and click quick link in the upper right  hand corner of the screen for Figures

You can also just add “/figures” to the end of your LMS URL.

Enterprise Users

Figures is coming soon to enterprise sites! It may not be available on your site just yet. If you’d like to know more, get in touch with your dedicated Customer Success Manager.

Access to Figures is restricted to those with Admin level permissions for your organization. If you’re not sure if this means you, log into Studio and look for a + Create New Course button. If you see it, great! You’re probably an admin. If not, you’ll need to contact your organization lead and request access.

To access Figures, simply log into your LMS and click the button. You can also just add “/figures” to the end of your LMS URL.

What can I see in Figures?

Site Data

The following metrics are tied to your Open edX site as a whole, across all courses you have available.

  • Monthly Active Users (MAUs)
    • In a given calendar month, the number of unique learners that have accessed my Open edX site at least once
  • Registered Learners
    • Total users that have created accounts on my Open edX site
  • Total Course Enrollments
    • Total times all registered users have enrolled or been enrolled in courses on your site.
    • Examples: 
      • 1 user enrolling in 2 different courses = 2 enrollments  
      • 2 users each enrolling in 1 course = 2 enrollments
  • Course completions
    • Total times learners across all course have completed a course 
    • “Completion” is defined as achieving the passing grade in a course

Course Data

Course listing

On your Figures dashboard, you can scroll down to see a list of all courses on your site, with each of the following preview metrics:

  • Course info:
    • Course name
    • Course number
    • Course dates
    • Course staff
  • Course metrics preview:
    • Learners enrolled
    • Average progress
      • The average percentage of completion for all learners enrolled in the course. This is not tied to a learner’s grade in the course. Progress is only dictated on whether a learner has made an attempt on graded content
      • Example: Say you have 10 graded sections spread throughout the course. A learner has attempted to complete 6 of them with various results throughout. That student’s progress is 60%, regardless of what their grade is.
    • Average days to complete
      • Average number of days between enrollment and completion of the course
      • “Completion” is defined as achieving the passing grade in a course
    • Number of learners to complete
      • Number of unique learners that have completed the course
      • “Completion” is defined as achieving the passing grade in a course

Your course listing can be sorted alphabetically or by any of the metrics you see on the preview tile. 

Course details

Clicking on the course tile or Course details button for any given course provides the following information:

  • Learner statistics by demographic. NOTE: These statistics are self-reported by the learner when they create their account or make changes to their profile. 
    • By gender
    • By country
    • By education level

  • Per learner info:
    • Learner name
    • Country
    • Date enrolled
    • Course progress
    • Course completed
    • Date completed

Individual Learner Data

Each individual learner comes with a profile on Figures. You can click on the learner’s name in the course details view or search for an individual learner using the search box at the top of your Figures dashboard.

Profile info

Profile information is self-reported by the learner when they create their account or make changes to their profile

  • Profile picture
  • Username
  • Year of Birth
  • Gender
  • Date joined
  • Is active
  • Courses enrolled
  • Country
  • Level of education
  • Email address

Enrolled Courses

Each learner profile comes with a course tile for each course that learner is enrolled in, which each of the following data points:

  • Course name
  • Date enrolled
  • Course completed (checkmark)
  • Points earned
  • Overall progress
    • NOTE: The blue bar beneath each course info is a bar chart displaying the overall progress metric