Viewing enrollment numbers and activity in Open edX Insights - Appsembler
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Viewing enrollment numbers and activity in Open edX Insights

With Open edX Insights, you can see how many learners are in your course as well as when they are enrolling. Here’s how to see enrollment data on in your course. 

  1. From the Insights Course List (, click on the course name for the course you want to look into. 

  2. Click on

  3. This page is the Enrollment Activity page. On the top of the page, there is a visual graph of enrollment over time. By hovering with your mouse on any point of the graph, you can see what the current enrollment was at the end of that day (for all enrollment tracks). This includes new enrollments and subtracts out any unenrollments. Below the graph, you can see a snapshot of three major enrollment metrics: 

  • Total Enrollment – Total unique learners who ever enrolled in the course.
  • Current Enrollment – Learners currently enrolled in the course.
  • Change in Last Week – Net change in current enrollment within the last week.

  1. Scroll down to see the same Enrollment Over Time data in a list form. Here you can also access a CSV of enrollment data by clicking on the Download CSV button. 
  2. Here’s a look at what is included in the CSV. As you can see, it’s all of the same data from the Insights web interface, including the Course ID and a Created column, which corresponds to the date on which the course was created. These two columns remain the same for each row. 

Note: Dates of enrollment for individual users are not included in this CSV or on this Enrollment Activity page.