Viewing weekly engagement data in Open edX Insights - Appsembler
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Viewing weekly engagement data in Open edX Insights

With Open edX Insights, you can see weekly learner engagement data for your course, such as how many learners we active (logged in), watched a video, attempted a problem, or participated in a discussion. Here's how to see analytic data on engagement in your course. 

  1. From the Insights Course List (, click on the course name for the course you want to look into. 

  2. Click on Engagement

  3. The Content page is the default page within the Engagement section. This page shows a week to week break down of Learner Activity. By hovering over any point on the graph, you can see the exact numbers of how many learners were active, watched a video, attempted a problem, or participated in a discussion. Beneath the graph, you can also see a quick view of these metrics for the most recent week.  

  4. If you scroll down, you can see this same data in list form. If you would like to download the data, you can click Download CSV

Interpreting the CSV

The CSV file downloaded is formatted in such a way where each row corresponds to a specific week in time and each column corresponds to a different metric. Here's a list of each metric and what they mean:

  • attempted_problem – The number of unique users who submitted an answer for at least one problem of these type:
    • Checkboxes
    • Dropdown
    • Multiple choice
    • Numerical input
    • Text input
    • Math expression input
  • course_id – The identifier for the course. Because each form is course-specific, this will be the same for every row. 
  • created – The date and time a course was created. Because each form is course-specific, this will be the same for every row.
  • interval_end – The date and time (UTC) for which that specific week of data ends.
  • interval_start – The date and time (UTC) for which that specific week of data starts.
  • played_video – The number of unique users who clicked play for at least one of the course videos. Only videos that were played on the edX platform video player are included.
  • posted_forum – The number of unique users who added a post, response, or comment to any topic in the course discussion.