Downloading Open edX site reports using Figures - Appsembler
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Downloading Open edX site reports using Figures

Note:  This feature is not yet available on every Appsembler-hosted stand-alone site, and is not yet available on Tahoe. We will roll out CSV reports more widely as soon as we’re able!

The following reports are now available for download in CSV format from Figures, which can be accessed at:


These reports are the first stage of our downloadable reporting. We expect to update this page regularly as we improve the reports available. For further details on accessing these reports, see Finding your reports below.

Report name
Fields Included
Learner Demographics report
The learner demographics report contains everything about users on your platform, at a high level. This report doesn’t care what courses they’re taking part in, it’s all about who your learners are.
It’s useful for things like:
  • Reporting which of your clients are using your site (by filtering on email_domain and last_login)
  • Creating visualizations of registration and login activity over time
  • Keeping track of which of your team are staff members (to limit data exposure)
  • Reporting how many learners have used your site since its inception
  • user_id
  • username
  • full_name
  • email
  • email_domain
  • country
  • is_active
  • date_registered
  • last_login
  • global_staff
Enrollment and Grades report
The grade report contains everything about enrollments. It shows all of the learners on your platform and which courses they are enrolled in. It’s very similar to the user report, but each learner will appear in the list multiple times; once for each course they are enrolled in.
It’s useful for things like:
  • Seeing the most recent logins of learners taking your courses to identify people who are engaged vs. people who have lost interest
  • Comparing activity by course and by cohort within courses
  • Seeing where the majority of your cohort of learners are studying
  • Gathering an average of scores earned in a course

Note: The field ‘final_score’ is actually a learner’s current score, and ‘course_completion_date’ is the date on which the learner claimed a certificate.

  • course_id
  • enrollment_id
  • user_id
  • username
  • full_name
  • email
  • cohort
  • is_active
  • last_login
  • date_registered
  • course_enrollment_date
  • last_section_completed
  • course_last_access_date
  • course_completion_date
  • final_score
Course metrics report
The course metrics report is the youngest of our reports. Right now it’s a simple downloadable list of your courses and how many users (staff and learners) are enrolled in all of the courses on your platform at the time the report is generated.
It’s useful for things like:
  • Comparing enrollment across your courses to track their popularity
  • course_id
  • course_name
  • enrollment_count

Is there a particular metric you’d like to see and download that isn’t captured in these reports? Contact Us to let us know what you’d find most useful and why! Your feedback drives our feature development. So if you don’t tell us about your needs we may not address them in the future.

Finding your reports

If you’re having trouble finding your downloadable reports, follow these steps. 

Please note: To access Figures, Tahoe users must have admin access in the management console. If you require these reports and do not have access, you can ask your site’s administrator to grant you permission.

Step 1 – Access Figures and select the CSV Reports button

As a reminder, you can get to Figures by adding /figures to the end of your URL while signed in as a site admin, for example would become

Step 2 – Pick your report

You can either filter by date range or just scroll through the full list of most recent reports to find the one you need. Once you’ve picked your date, simply select which report you’d like to download and select View Report to download it. CSV files can be opened in most software that handles spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel or Libreoffice Calc. While Google Sheets can open .csv files, we do not recommend using a cloud service to handle these reports if possible, as they can contain sensitive learner data.

Can’t find the report you need? It may be available via the Instructor Dashboard instead. Reach out and let us know what metrics you need to report on. If it’s not available right now, we might add it to a later release of Figures!