Providing different content to cohorts of students in Open edX via content groups - Appsembler

Providing different content to cohorts of students in Open edX via content groups

Content groups are a way to control what content is visible to which cohorts. Click here for more on what cohorts are and how they're created.

For example: Say you have your students organized into two separate cohorts: Cohort A for students taking the class for a grade, and Cohort B for students who are just auditing the course. With content groups you can make all of the graded assignments only visible to Cohort A. Here's how it works: 

Start from Studio and navigate to Group Configurations in the Settings dropdown menu. 

Next, create a new content group, by simply clicking + New content group and typing the name of the new content group. 

We'll name the example content group Cohort A Content 

Next, switch over to the Learning Management System (LMS), and click on your Instructor Dashboard

Navigate to the Cohorts sub menu and scroll down to the section called Cohort Management

Note: You need to have cohorts enabled to assign them a content group. If you do not, read our article Enabling and creating cohorts in Open edX.

From the dropdown menu, select the cohort you wish to edit. For this example, we are going to choose Example Cohort Name A.

From the selected cohort, go to Settings.

In settings, in the Associated Content Group section, click Select a Content Group, then select the group you wish to assign the cohort to from the dropdown menu.

Click Save and then head back to Studio. 

Adding content to the content group

From Studio, navigate to any Unit of content you want to make specific to Cohort A.

After you've found or created the content you wish to be visible to only one Content Group, click the Visibility Settings (little eye icon) in the upper right corner of the unit. 

To change the visibility settings, select the type of group you want to give access. For this example, we will select Content Groups.

Next, select the content group you wish to give visibility access, then slick Save.